Hydration Hacks: Keeping Your Cat from Overheating

by Development User 19 jul

Hydration Hacks: Keeping Your Cat from Overheating

Summer is a wonderful time to enjoy the outdoors and soak up the sun. However, it can be challenging for our feline companions. Cats can struggle with the heat, whether they are indoor loungers or outdoor adventurers. As pet parents, it’s important to ensure our cats stay cool, comfortable, and hydrated during the warmer months. Petland has gathered tips and tricks to help your cat beat the summer heat.


Ensuring your cat stays hydrated is the first step in keeping them cool during the hot summer time. Always provide freshwater, especially during the hotter months, to ensure your cat stays hydrated. Investing in a cat water fountain can be a great option. The continuous movement makes the water more enticing, encouraging your cat to drink more water and stay hydrated. Be sure to regularly check and refill the water to keep it fresh and bacteria free.

Cats enjoy lounging, and during the summer, a cooling mat can be incredibly beneficial. Cooling mats are designed to stay cool and provide a comfortable place for your cat to rest. These mats not only help to prevent overheating but also offer a soothing and relaxing spot for your cat to cool down. Next time you're at your local Petland, look for cooling pads or gel mats – they’re a valuable investment for any cat parent.


Creating shaded areas is crucial for outdoor cats to help them stay cool. You can set up shaded retreats in your garden or patio with umbrellas, tents, or specially designed cat shelters. These shaded spots provide a cool refuge from the direct sun, helping your cat stay comfortable. Indoor cats will also benefit from shaded areas near windows where they can lounge without getting too hot. Consider adding cat-friendly plants such as spider plants, Boston ferns, or cat grass to these spots to enhance the cooling effect. Curtains or blinds can also help block out the sun and keep the area cooler. Regularly check these areas to ensure they remain cool and inviting throughout the day.


For outdoor cats or those that tend to overheat easily, cooling collars or vests can be highly effective. Cooling collars and vests are designed to remain cool for extended periods, providing significant and immediate relief from the heat. They are perfect for hot days when your cat needs extra help staying cool. They are lightweight and comfortable, ensuring your cat can move freely while staying cool. Petland is here to help you find the right one for your cat, ensuring they stay comfortable all summer long.


Lastly, it’s important to know the signs of heatstroke in cats. Symptoms of heatstroke to watch for include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, and vomiting. If you notice any of these signs, move your cat to a cooler area right away and contact your veterinarian immediately. Acting quickly can make a significant difference in your cat’s recovery. Providing cool water and wet towels can help lower your cat's body temperature.


Petland wants to thank you for being a loyal pet parent and valued shopper. We understand how much your cat means to you, and we’re always here to assist with any needs you may have. From cooling mats to hydration solutions, we’re here to help you find everything you need to keep your cat comfortable. Stay cool, and have a fantastic summer with your beloved pets!